By Dustin Heath
The cost of commuting back and worth to work is taking a toll on many people in the 21st century. Mothers at looking at the cost of daycare and deciding it isn't worth the cost and is actually costing them money to work instead of bringing in an additional paycheck. What does that mean for those in those positions? They are looking toward work from home data entry jobs instead of going out every day to a regular job. With the cost of living and the downturn in the economy it is more economical to work at home than pay for daycare and commuting costs.
Over the past ten years there has been a marked increase in the number of people pursuing work from home data entry jobs. Unlike a regular job there is less pressure to complete a certain amount of work in a specific time frame. Not only that but many people work better when they can work on their own. These same people would not pass a typing or data entry test because they are not good with tests but if you sit them down to a computer they can work very well with both efficiency and speed. In addition working from home provides a more relaxing environment and thus the worker achieves a higher level of proficiency.
More employers are recognizing the importance of having happy and satisfied employees and are thus increasing the number of work from home data entry jobs they offer. In addition to work satisfaction there are economical benefits for the company as well because the more people they hire to work offsite the less overhead they will have. This is especially true if they hire freelancers instead of just offering telecommuting options for their employees. After all, if the data entry clerk is not an employee of the company he or she is responsible for all of their own expenses including insurance and taxes. Employers also do not pay traveling expenses to those who do not work directly for the company so this also becomes part of the expense of being a freelance data entry clerk.
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