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Sunday 4 December 2011

Online Jobs Work From Home - Can I Really Start 7 Minutes From Now?

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Online jobs work from home: You can start building your own home job 7 minutes from now. First, let's agree on what you consider jobs that you can create from home. Dr. Smokey T. Johnson, adventurer and world traveller once said, "Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic." The definitions of work from home for this article are as follows:
  • Something that you are qualified to do that you wish to do more off in your off time.
  • If you have no marketable skills, work from home could be something like starting a maid service or a yard care business.
  • Doing work at home that typically would be done in an office like data entry or typing.
  • Work involving flexible hours, generally hours set by you to be convenient for you.
  • Work that would require little to no financial investment.
  • Work that would involve generally less pay than a full time office job. It would also offer less security.
"Success depends on your backbone, not your wishbone."
Let's change those descriptions a bit to fit the modern definitions. Modern work from home can still involve the things mentioned above although some of these sources of income are drying up. They are being outsourced via the internet to places like India where highly trained and skilled people work for what we would consider "peanuts" here.
A person wanting to find their own job to work from home is much further ahead creating it themselves. What this boils down to is creating an online business of their own. Unless he or she is a computer guru, how can they do this?
First off, you don't have to know much about computers. All the software is easy to use. What you do need is knowledge of how the internet works and how a business can be built on it. Never before in the history of man has such a huge, rich market been so easily accessible to EVERYONE for free.
Here are some of the thousands of ways that a person can create their own job on the internet:
  • A typist or accountant can still do all the work from their own home, but now they have a registered company and might sell accounting software or typing lessons as an add-on to their business.
  • A policewoman who loves growing roses could start a rose site selling rose bulbs, care of roses books, soils, pots, courses on rose care and so on.
  • A surgeon who loves to cook could work up his own job at home teaching gourmet cooking or perhaps create a very specific niche site on a very specific health issue he loves to research and teach on.
  • An auto mechanic can do repairs at home, but might also offer advice and guidance on his own site along with selling specialty manuals or custom parts.
  • You can write an ebook on any subject that interests you or on any subject that you are passionate about and create a whole site around selling it. Talk about creating the job of your dreams!
Don't forget also that as you plan to create your own job, you should keep in mind that noble goal that has stayed at the back of your mind; the one involving making a positive difference in the world. Tom Brokaw once said, "It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference." So, can you create your own job to work from home 7 minutes from now? Yes you can. What will you need? Here are the 5 basic requirements:
1. Access to the internet. Yes, even a dead slow dial connection will do.
2. Access to a computer, even a slow, clunky one that came over on the Mayflower is alright.
3. Patience. Beware of the get rich quick schemes with which you will be bombarded as soon as you start serious work on the internet.
4. Knowledge specific to doing business on the internet. At this time you are probably hanging your head on this one. Knowledge means education which means lots of time and also lots of money. Time, yes. Money, no. Everything you need to know is available free or practically so on the internet.
5. Persistence. It won't happen overnight, but it can happen quickly if you stay at it on a daily basis.
What kind of job should I create for yourself? Don't worry about that for now. The answer will come. What is most critical at the start is that you have access to the internet. Most of us have that already.
Here are some of the other things you should think about or decide on:
  • How much time per day or week am I willing to dedicate to creating my own version of online jobs work from home?
  • Find a spot in your house that is "yours". It might just be a corner of the kitchen table to put your laptop and notes. This will become your office/classroom to start.
  • Find a reputable place to get training. One of the best can be accessed on a link below. An encyclopedia of knowledge can be accessed there and it is FREE!
  • Start doing research on the web. Pick any subject, do a Google or MSN search and see what the results bring. Get acquainted with the different parts of the results page. How did the top 10 get there? How much did it cost to appear as one of the top 10 best? (hint:it's free!)
  • Find someone who will back you up. I don't mean financially because there is no real financial investment here. Find someone who is willing to listen when you are disappointed or elated. You will find most of your friends and relatives will turn a deaf ear once they find out what you are doing. They don't understand, they don't care (wanting you to "get real") or they are just plain envious of what you are doing.
The World Wide Web is a river of gold. It runs fast and deep. Most people come to it and turn away. Some nervously dip a thimble into it and say thanks. I urge you to show up with a fleet of tanker trucks. The river doesn't mind. It keeps on running fast and deep.
Can you create your own online jobs work from home? Yes. Why mention 7 minutes? Because that is how long the average person will take to read this article. If you are reading this, you have cleared the first hurdle. Congratulations! Now, the choice is yours. There's no financial investment here, nothing to sign up for.
How badly do you want to leave the rat race, REALLY? Ayn Rand: "Throughout the centuries there were men (and women) who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision." Be one of them. God bless and until we bump into each other on the World Wide Web again, so long and good building.
In Conclusion: Regarding online jobs work from home, there is a free system that gives you the education I talked about to earn serious income from your kitchen table in your underwear (I recommend closing the curtains!). Click on Online Jobs Work From Home where I will explain to you more about the internet and point you to a massive library of instantly downloadable FREE ebooks. No information will be asked of you, not even your email address. I promise This will give you every chance to build your own online jobs work from home if you so desire. You can't beat it when you work from home.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Octavien_J._Remillard

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3497972


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