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Sunday 4 December 2011

How To Start A Genuine Work From Home Job Free

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Let me share with you how to start a genuine work-from-home-job:
  • scam free and
  • hype free.
This site offers you the opportunity to be part of a global community and experience first-hand not only how the process works, but how their members achieve online success.
This is one site where you can earn as you learn and it will not cost you a dime. Because so many newcomers have limited internet experience, they are sitting ducks for the glamorous claims made on the internet, how easy it is to make thousands.
Stop wasting money and time searching for instant solutions.
That search can end today if you are prepared to take note and not believe in instant riches.
This opportunity is totally free and does not require:
  1. Technical knowledge or any experience building websites
  2. Any domain name or hosting account that does cost money.
  3. Monthly membership fees.
However, any success online does require:
  1. Persistence
  2. Honest desire and positive attitude to build an online opportunity.
Welcome to The Squidoo Opportunity
Who is Squidoo you may ask, and how can I start a business for free?
  1. Squidoo is not only a powerful internet tool, but provides proper and powerful resources to make money.
  2. Squidoo rates among the top 200 sites globally
  3. Squidoo offers any person the opportunity to create a lens (one page website) on any topic or interest
  4. Squidoo even allows people to promote products as an affiliate.
  5. Squidoo lenses rank high in the search engines and make it easier for your lens to be found by people who are interested in your subject.
  6. Even if your topic does not exist on Squidoo they encourage you to create a lens and may even start a new category. (Over 100 topics, many with sub-topics and growing).
How do I start at Squidoo
To join Squidoo is free! However I strongly urge you to first gain a bit of insight and a feel for the site before you sign-up. Explore the many hundreds of lenses and use the search function to decide on a topic. See how people are expressing their passion or knowledge.
Why not sign-up immediately? The answer is simple!
It is best to first decide on your topic and develop relevant keywords. Squidoo is part of the web community and like all information; lenses are found because the title and tags contain the relevant keywords. Many lenses show up on the first page of search engine results. So the extra effort is worth it.
It is recommended practice to use (topic) keywords in the lens title and in the lens content.
Tell me how can I make money on Squidoo.
Everything on your Squidoo account starts with a lens you create. (Similar to a single web-page).
You can earn money working from home with your lens in the following ways:
  1. Promoting your own business or product online
  2. Promoting an affiliate product
  3. Profit sharing with the Amazon and Ebay modules.
  4. Sharing in related ads shown on your lens related to your content
  5. Sharing in affiliate income from Squidoo as you refer friends and family and they generate revenue.
The great thing about joining Squidoo is that you immediately find yourself among like-minded individuals, some who joined with the same intention as you may have, some just for fun.
Squidoo is not a spam site and when you add value you will also gain much benefit. Many successful online marketers have honed their skills using Squidoo, as all the resources you need is available and free.
If you cannot find expression on Squidoo, it is unlikely you will find your online feet elsewhere.
Squidoo continues to grow due to people just like you and me who have a desire to start a genuine work-from-home-job, scam free and they are able to cater for almost all online needs.
Dewald de Bruyn is an active Internet Marketer who knows what it takes for any newbie to succeed and offers a number of free video courses "how to make money"
Get some free help starting your Internet Based Business with a free 5 part video course that will guide you making money on Squidoo plus 7 value packed PDF's. Visit Now.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dewald_De_Bruyn

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6167118


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