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Thursday 8 December 2011

10 Questions Before Starting Fulltime Online Jobs Work From Home

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Many people grab the first online jobs work from home they find in the internet, quit their job and a few months later they end up with pile of credit card bills to pay. One needs to consider the following 10 questions before starting fulltime online jobs work from home.
1. Why?
Ask yourself this basic question: "Why do I want to start online jobs work from home?" It is a part of your vision in life. The WHY is much more important than the HOW. The WHY must be strong enough that it will motivate you everyday. The WHY comes from the values you hold dearly. For example, you want to make more money. Do you just want paper with numbers and pictures of deceased people? No, isn't it? Ask deeper in your heart, "Why do I want more money?"
2. Are you ready?
One can always argue that it is difficult to judge whether one is ready or not. Beside the financial aspects of irregular or zero income for the initial months, you must be ready mentally and physically to endure the demands of work from home online opportunity. It means you will be doing everything yourself at the start. Mental strength, stamina and focus are the key elements of success to the fulltime online jobs work from home.
I believe in learning from the best. Ask who is the number one on the niche market that you will be involved in. Find the right coach to shorten your learning process to pursue work from home online opportunity considerably.
3. What niche market?
Do you have a niche market in mind or would you say: "I know I want to do online jobs work from home but what do I do? What work from home online opportunity should I select? What services or products do I offer to my customers?" Ask yourself: "What are my interests? What do I feel most strongly and passionately about?" If you get one million dollar today, what will you be doing? Of course after you get tired of shopping and traveling. There lies your passion. If you still have no idea, speak to lots of people, check out the market potential, search work from home online opportunity, then zero in.
4. Do you like to sell?
Online jobs work from home is about selling online. Do not pre-judge your interest and ability to sell. Even if you have never been in sales, that does not necessarily mean you have no interest or are unable to sell. If you are married then you actually have been a good marketing person, haven't you?
5. What are your strengths?
It is healthy to list down your strengths. Before you embark on your journey, recognize your key skills and talents, and plan to make the best use of them in selecting work from home online opportunity.
6. What about your weaknesses?
Gaps should be identified, acknowledged and a practical plan mapped out to close them. If you feel you need some coaching on selling skills and techniques, or if you have problems writing articles, take the time to find out how you can strengthen yourself in these areas. Ask yourself: "Where can I seek help? Attending a seminar? Read books?" Be prepared to invest on yourself.
7. How do you assess your proposed business?
The SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis is a time-tested tool that could be helpful to you as you assess the viability of your online jobs work from home. When doing this, solicit the input of other people. Be objective and look at things from all perspectives.
8. How is your network?
Your net worth is equivalent to your network. Pull out all the name cards you compile, and go through everyone with a keen eye. Select anyone who looks likely to be of some "use" to you, plan to establish contact so you can seek whatever assistance you may require of him/her. Social forums are great places to meet people. Think of adding value to other people's lives.
9. What is your business plan?
Once you are almost certain that this is the way to go, put together a business plan. Failing to plan is planning to fail. For example, if you want to create your own product, you need to choose the work from home online opportunity, and determine the front-end, upsell and back-end products and how you want to market them.
10. What is your financial plan?
As part of your business plan, give serious thought to your overall financial situation. How much savings can you afford to invest in your online jobs work from home? If your work from home online opportunity hasn't produced cash, can you cover your expenses in the first few months? It is critical that you obtain the moral support of your spouse and immediate family members.
After you have answered all these 10 questions, you should start online jobs work from home that gives you the maximum benefits. Then as Nike says JUST DO IT.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tessie_Setiabudi

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/769729


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